Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Welcome to the NHK

The localized edition published by Tokyopop back in 2007 came as a pleasant surprise
Author: Takimoto Tatsuhiko
Published: 2005

"It's a conspiracy"

Friday, May 18, 2012


If this was an anime, she'd be voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro
Author: Natsuki Mamiya
Illustrator: Shiromiso
Published: 2010

"Orange juice or wine?"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Fancy a bite?

I've always enjoyed reading. To me, the subject material only covers half the experience though; the environment and my current mood make up the other. It would be terrible, for example, to read Iris in a mamak store, or Autofiction in classy Wazen. It's often hard to find a perfect match of material and surrounding, that's why when I do, the reading experience is enhanced ten fold :3

In this blog, I'll attempt to collect my thoughts on books while exploring places to chill around Melaka~ Please stay tuned!

Someone pointed out to me recently that most my tweets were light-novel related, and were confusing to follow. So I've decided to create a blog to house my thoughts on novels. I'll still continue my spontaneous tweets, and after I've collected my thoughts enough I'll post 'em here.

Enjoy your stay, and please try not to mind the bad English ^^;